How music impacts our lives

Music is an integral and powerful tool in our day to day lives.  Although we rarely acknowledge the impacts it has in our lives, it has the power to communicate, change moods, and give perspective. It has the power to bring people closer together as well as bridging gaps between conflicted people.  Music has become part of our lives in the sense that when you are driving to work there is music playing on the radio.  When you are walking around town, music is playing around you.  Life without music would basically be boring.

Relieve Stresses

In stressful situations, music can help you relax. However, the choice of music you listen to at the time determines if you will be able to relax. Listening to music related to the stress causing factor does not help other than worsen the stressor. During stressful times, it is imperative that you listen to your favorite music or soothing music that calms you. It could also be music that diverts your attention; as such music associated with dance can lift your spirits.

Reduces pain

Research has shown preferred music increases tolerance and perceived control over painful stimulus thus decreasing anxiety. When you hurt yourself badly, pain medication may take longer to kick in. listening to your preferred genre of music will certainly shift your brain’s focus on the affected area to the music.


Music works in a lot of ways to increase personal motivation. When working out, listening to motivational music helps you exercise better than with no music at all. It is common to see people running around exercising with earphones plugged into their phone. Music may also share your opinions on certain matters as such stimulate you towards achieving said matters.

Building Relationships

Music can help us find love and friends. People are more likely to converse given there is romantic music playing in the background. Many people have found their soulmates after asking them to dance to a particular song they were listening to. Other people have made friends because they like the same type of music. Playing a musical instrument among people is most likely to get someone to talk to you and from there you can build a certain relationship.

In as much as music impacts our lives in many different ways, it is also responsible for making us feel good. Some music may be written in a different language but still able to soothe you. It also makes us more compassionate and considerate of others.      

If you're thinking to take music lessons for any instruments please contact me at 832.594.7267.  I have a connection of group teachers in different musical instruments, would be happy to refer you to.         


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