The Power of Music – Sound of Success

In the new year of 2018, let's plan to have music empower our day, no matter what styles, types or genres they all can affect the need for a successful mindset and attitude.

Music is universal human language. Apparently, humans made music before they could learn to speak to each other. This is not far-fetched considering birds and other animals make music of their own to attract mates and communicate different messages. Why is music so powerful?  Psychiatrists say that music is hardwired into the human psyche. That is why music can alter moods from mellow, gay, and aggressive and so on.  High-performance individuals have been known to use music to put them in the mood for different occasions like hard-nosed negotiations and even relaxation.

Sound as energy

The sound is energy that reaches the ears and converted into sound signals. Sound is made from vibrations from natural elements air, liquids, and solids. The particles of these elements vibrate and in series of waves which then produce different pitches depending on their lengths, height and the number of times they occur. The human ear can pick up sound from a very specific range of frequency (number of waves in a second), for example, humans cannot pick up the sub-sonar rumble of an elephant.

As such music has a marked effect on the brain as sound waves interact with the brain’s waves. The effect is very much evident as is seen when a person listens to different types of music. Classical music would make one mellow while high tempo trance music can be inducing aggressiveness.

Music as a stress reliever

Research done in the UK concluded that music could affect the pulse, heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature. This depended on the tempo of the music. Longer musical pauses in slow music decreased the heartbeat, blood pressure, and respiration, which is similar to what occurs when one is going to sleep. Faster music did the opposite by increasing the heartbeat, respiration and blood pressure, which is also seen when one, is on adrenaline, preparing to fight or run.

Another study on babies, done by scholars from the University of Montreal showed that babies remained calm for longer when music was played. This was associated with the synchronization of the body’s internal rhythms to external pulses, beats, and rhythms.

Music’s effect on memory

A study published in the Gerontologist journal showed that music improved the memory of people showing the early signs of dementia. This supported an earlier study in the journal Memory and Cognition, which showed that people who sang phrases when learning language were able to learn the language faster.

Music is powerful. It can affect two of the most important factors needed for a successful mindset; attitude and calmness of mind.

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